The laying of the foundation stone of the Brownlow school in 1896
The Brownlow School was built in 1896 on land given by Lord Brownlow. When the school closed it was donated to the people of Whitchurch by Lord Brownlow in 1982 as a :
“Community centre for uses that would enhance the quality of their lives”

The opening in the early 1980’s by The Princess Margaret
Today it continues to be a fantastic venue for a great many clubs and events.
Yet it is not widely known about and has spare capacity for private hire, for one off uses or regular bookings. The centre is in a great location, with ample parking and offering a variety of rooms, including a large function room with kitchen facilities. Please contact us on 01948 302211 to discuss your requirements.
The building is in the process of some much needed cosmetic work thanks to grants from the organisations shown below. Longer term will see more major work in terms of energy efficiency. To achieve this the committee are continuing to seek grants, donations and fundraising ideas and are deeply indebted to the following for their generous donations:
- In January David and Kay Casbolt donated/named the Brownlow Community as recipients of £320 from Round Tables car parking services at the 2017 Malpas Yester Year Rally.
- The February Civic Centre coffee morning netted £345
- Mid-March £10,000 was received from the Walker Trust.
- In April, the Sit & Sew (once a month main hall user) donated £350 at a meeting of the Malpas Fabric Arts Group.
- In May the Centre came third in the Tesco ‘Bags of Help’ Scheme worth £1000.
- Supporters and User group coupons in the Shropshire Star’s Cash in Your Community netted a cheque for
- £158.78Whitchurch Town Council gave a grant of £1000 towards the Band room windows.
Over the last year improvements have included the replacing of the central heating boiler and replacement of all the principal windows along the front of the building which have been a big improvement for ‘Little Bears’, a principal user of the building and the room used by the town band. Improvements to the rain water drainage along the front of the building. Improvements to the electrical system and soon we hope the get the potholes filled in and around the parking and roadway areas of the building.
We would greatly appreciate any help, financially or expertise, that anyone can offer.
For bookings ring 01948 302211
The centre has a number of regular users including:
Little Bears (Infant and junior day care) who are the main day time users and are open from 8 am to 6 pm, Mon to Fri offering a wide range of services.

The Whitchurch Gym – The Weight Lifters have a large range of training apparatus.

Club Generation are a regular club promoting activities for a range of people with specific learning problems.

The Town Band have their practise room here.

The Boot Scooters is a line dancing group